Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Me, and the Dating High-schoolers

Hi everyone who is listening. At U-prep we did something neat enough for me to post about. We ran Greenlake. The slowest people in my group got about 30 min. I have to say that I have a friend who ran it in 19 min. But he is the kid who did the plank for 8 मिनुतेस।I got exactly 22 मं. and 30 sec. To answer your question Lily, U-prep is fun. It is so small. 66 6th graders and middle school plus high school has about 800 kids. My smallest class is just me and my largest has 18 people. I gave up the violin for the time being to doge homework and to get in to the great art program. Today I had the last soccer game of the U-prep season, 1-1 vs. Seattle academe. That is the school that Sam goes to. Now everyone who is an Eagle tell me: what is your favorite class, why, are you on sports teams, which one, and do you take an instrument, which one, and have you made new friends and if so who? I will post again on Halloween with your answers, email me with them, and I will answer them to!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Caleb! Thanks for answering my Q! :) By eagle, I am guessing you mean Eckstein Eagles. :P :) My favorite class would probably be LA and SS because I have an awesome teacher and really fun classmates! I do soccer, but not from the Eckstein team. I play trumpet (still) and yes, I have made a couple new friends. :)
