Thursday, August 11, 2011


Oh, it's you again. Five people have not made comments telling me about fun towns in Montana so I can't tell who the 'favorite town' winners are.

In Yellowstone we stayed (for nights 1,2,3) At a crowded campground. The reason that we thought the campground was crowded is that a hot spring is a one min walk from our tent with ten feet of elevation.

Two posts ago I said that I would tell about me meting my godparents for the first time in almost eleven years.
I keep my word
On the left is James, with my Dad. James writes neat articles for a newspaper. He also showed me some cool photography tricks. On the right is Kirsten, who has neat camping ideas like when putting chocolate on s'mores you put it on both sides and in bear country using empty yogurt cups to spit into.
They are cool godparents.

Next: Adventures in Yellowstone!

1 comment:

  1. AWESOME! I love Yellowstone! Its the prettiest place I have ever been! The geysers are really fascinating.
