Friday, July 15, 2011

Back to D.C.

Ok, now we are going back to D.C and we are living in a mansion. There are two sets of stairs. One is all fancy and the other is steep. The steep one was for slaves back in the old days, the other for masters. This is so the slaves are not seen.
The mansion we were staying at was actually the marshal islands embassy. Here
is something cool, when you go in the gates of an embassy you are officially in that country's soil. Here are some photos of me and Lucas traveling.

But anyway, we went to the museums next. Lucas's favorite one was the
natural history. I think you can see that :) .

We also went to the Bureau of Engraving and Printing. That is where they make dollar bills. It was super cool. There where official signs and in the center of them one said: "Think of how I feel, I printed my lifetime salary in a few minutes."

We looked inside the national history Museum which had a super cool U.S. wartime display. We took a tour of the capital building. That one was fun because we went inside the room for the Washington senators to work. It had Boeing photos and stuff.

Now I reveal that the real me is in Seattle right now and is leaving tomorrow for overnight camp. Wish me Luck!
