Lee ordered General Longstreet to attack on the Union's left flank. Longstreet attacked. A Union General moved his core up to meet the attack. He put his men in the very peach orchard where Reynolds' men had a snack. Longstreet dogged around him and took the devil's den, and then Big Round Top.
Union General Sickels took Joshua Chamberlain by the scruff of his neck and told him to hold the hill at all costs. Chamberlain took the hill. Chamberlain gave his regimental flag to a huge man named Towzer. Towzer was 6'4"! The confederate soldiers charged up the hill. Even though Chamberlain was outnumbered, his regiment, the 20th Maine, held strong. They fought, 5 charges, 5 deflections. Then the 20th Maine ran out of bullets. Then Chamberlain said" Bayonets, Bayonets," a nearby Lieutenant heard him and said" BAYONETS!!!" so loudly that the nearby 23d Michigan also placed there bayonets on their guns. Then they charged. The Confederates retreated. A Confederate soldier came up to Chamberlain and Joshua pointed his sword at the man's neck and said"Surrender." The soldier pulled out his pistol and shot Chamberlain. Or, he meant to. The bullet whizzed over Joshua's ear. Then the solder said "okay I surrender but can I have some water?" Then Chamberlain was really polite to him even though that person almost killed him.
Lee saw what happened and sent soldiers to Culp's Hill and those soldiers were deflected. Now they have a big tower on Culp's Hill so you can see everything and I really enjoyed that.
Next, Day three!
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